If the customer is required to change the database password for RCM admin user used as service ID, so that customer require to change the password parameters in the acm.ini file, but how do we change the encrypted password? the following steps :
- Open tools encryptor in the Utilites/bin under RCM working directory folder. You can find RCM working directory folder from actimize.workingDirectory parameter. Refer to link below : https://support.q2.co.id/support/solutions/articles/70000582568-how-to-find-actimizelogs-directory
- Run run_ecnryptor.bat from command prompt
- Choose Action : This is to choose what you will do for the value, Encrypt or Decrypt the value.
- Choose Algorithm : This is to choose which Algorithm you want to use.
- Enter Data : This is the value you are going to Encrypt or Decrypt.
- Result : This is the result of the Enter Data value after Encryption or Decryption.
- After that copy the value of Result to the acm.ini file with the parameter actimize.repository.password.
you can find the acm.ini file in the folder actimize.workingDirectory/config/
- Then restart RCM to make the change effective
Note : Any changes to the acm.ini file are required to restart RCM