Add following lines in file ais_process_log.config located under instance directory folder to get all processes profiler:
Save your changes, no AIS server instance restart is required, only process restart is required for which we are going to capture the profiler logs.
Profile log can be collected by exporting log from AIS Monitor after above configuration been made.
Following are details for above configurations:
- Profiler.OnProcessFinish – A list of process names for which a Profiler report is generated at the end. For example:
Profiler.OnProcessFinish= myProc1, myProc2, "my proc 3", otherProc*
- Profiler.Snapshot – A list of process names and interval pairs separated by a colon for which a Profiler report will be generated every X seconds. Snapshot intervals are in seconds. When activating OnProcessFinish with Snapshot profiler,OnFinish profiler report includes only the delta between the last snapshot and the end of the process. Setting the seconds to 0 value means that a Profiler report will be generated only at the end of the process. For example:
Profiler. Snapshot = myProc1:60, "my proc 3":600, otherProc*:70, ALL:100
- Profiler.SlowTransactionProfiler – A list of process names and slow-transaction threshold pairs separated by a colon which will be included in the Trx-level profiler at the server level.Use this key in order to activate the slow transaction-level profiling for a list of processes.
Slow transaction thresholds are in micro-seconds,
1,000,000 microseconds = 1 second (0=no threshold)