
This step is useful for rolling back the value of party who have customer Under Suspicion value.


If we change step to close true hit accidentally on WLF alerts, and make the Customers Under Suspicion in CDD have score or the value yes, we need do Rollback the value to no.


To rollback the value from Customer Under Suspicion we need change 3 point below :

1. Rollback status alert from Close True Hit to Close False Hit.

2. Delete data from CDD_PRF..LIST_CHECKING

3. Update Batch_Date_Time then Running CDD Process

Step 1. Rollback status alert from Close True Hit to Close False Hit 

1. Backup alert

select * into alerts_bak from alerts where alert_id ='fill alert_id'

2. Update alert from True Hit to False Hit

update alerts set status_internal_id='fill status close false hit' where alert_id='fill alert_id'

3. Check status alerts

select * from alerts where alert_id ='fill alert_id'

Step 2. Delete data from CDD_PRF..LIST_CHECKING

1. Backup data using below query :

select * into CDD_PRF..LIST_CHECKING where alert_id='fill alert_id'

2. Delete data using below query :

delete table CDD_PRF..LIST_CHECKING where alert_id='fill alert_id'

3. Check data still there or not

select * from CDD_PRF..LIST_CHECKING where alert_id='fill alert_id'

Step 3. Update Batch_Date_Time and Running CDD Process

1. Update Batch_Date_Time before CDD Process Running

update UDM.CDS_SCHEMA.PARTY set BATCH_DATE_TIME='fill current date process' where PARTY_KEY ='fill party_key';

2. Running CDD Process and Check the Data from field CUST_UNDER_SUSPICION_RV

select * from CDD_PRF..RISK_SCORING_H_LATEST where PARTY_KEY='fill party_key'

3. Check on Customer Site from ACTONE