
If you want to upload your internal list to Watch List used by WLF, you have 2 ways to upload the list :

1. Upload by Import Version from Actone Web

2. Upload by SYSTEM from AIS Modeller


If you want to upload full internal list you need follow step in below.


We have 2 ways to upload the list :

1. Upload by Import Version from Actone Web

2. Upload by SYSTEM from AIS Modeller

Step 1. Upload by Import Version from Actone Web

1. Go to Actone Web URL

2. Login to Actone Web

3. Choose Page List Management -> Public -> Choose your internal list -> Click Import Version 

4. Choose Browse.... -> Choose the file you want to upload -> Upload.

4. Monitoring the proses upload from Admin

Step 2. Upload by SYSTEM from AIS Modeler

1. Go to AIS WLF Server

2. Copy the file do you want to upload by system to folder WLF_TEMP/List/Internal/

2. Open AIS Modeler

3. Choose WLF -> Choose Package AML EWLF - Executables then double click the package

4. Expand Folder ETL -> Right Click Execution Plan AML_EWLF_loadInternalList -> Click Run Process...

5. Fill Value from Argument :

listId = fill list id from the list you want to upload the list

fileName =  fill fileName you want to upload

sourceName = no need to fill