Why the the list from Actimize server has different data count with its principle?


You perform data count from WLF_LATEST_LIST_ENTRIES and compare it to actual data from your list vendor (DowJones, WC), apparently you have miss match data count after compare it.

Step 1

Open delta file using notepad++, count for “<record” entry inside the file being processed

Step 2

Check from AIS Monitor if the number is match with data count from image from step 1

Step 3

Check from RCM following step below.

  1. Open RCM web from link http://[ip_address]:[port]/RCM/acegi/acegilogin.jsp 
  2. Open List Management menu, and select on LIST ID (in this example we check list ID WC)
  3. Check on date loaded and compare to the date when you load the list from step 2 and compare the number of data loaded, make sure it has same number as image in step 1 and step 2


  1. If you find data count gap from 3 steps above, please send all the captures to [email protected] along with file from step 1 and the log exported from step 2 (export from AIS Monitor).
  2. If you find no data count gap, but still data count from WLF_LATEST_LIST_ENTRIES has different value as data from principle website, please ask to your data provider why the xml downloaded from their site causing data gap.