Exclusive lock is a mechanism in AIS to prevent the object used by another process during process run. When you get exclusive lock error during any AIS process (for example SAM Manual Alert creation), means the object required in the process of manual alert creation still being locked by another running process (SAM Daily) or by previous failure process.
Below is sample error:
Error while executing process 'Load Query Statments & Technical Parameter - Clear Data'. Reason: Cannot obtain exclusive lock on the requested container 'TechnicalConfigParameters' (lock timeout). |
In order to make the object is usable, we need to release the lock. Please follow below steps:
1. Open AIS Modeler
2. Connect to SAM instance then open AML-SAM Executables package
a. Double click on AML_SAM_dailyMaintenance execution plan.
b. Choose Release Lock object
c. Click on blue box
3. New window will pop up as follow
b. Select run (green play button icon)
c. Insert value of the locked object, example : Lock_Id=Create Manual Alerts Lock and Process=BATCH (the value can be taken from AIS Monitor/Log Viewer)
d. Next -> Next -> Run
4. After the run finished, please rerun problematic process.